Choosing the Best Vicodin Addiction Treatment for Your Spouse

Even when the signs are clear that your spouse is living with Vicodin addiction, it can be very difficult to intervene and to overcome the barriers to treatment. But when you find the right addiction treatment option, a lot of the fears and barriers fall away because this compassionate help can set you and your partner right on the path to recovery.

Julie convinced herself and her husband that her back pain was a lot worse than it really was for a long time. She didn’t realize that she was misusing the Vicodin her doctor prescribed after her injury, but she was very deliberate about ensuring that she had enough for the foreseeable future and that she never had to reach the point of withdrawal from the drug. Her husband began to see red flags when she started isolating more and more and she canceled the cruise trip they’d been planning for almost a year.

When your spouse is living with Vicodin addiction, chances are the situation won’t just blow over with time and patience. In fact, things will likely get worse and worse, especially as the addiction puts further strain on your relationship and your partner becomes less of themselves in favor of their next dose. The way forward may feel impossible—after all, you don’t have your partner to lean on reliably through the challenges and it may be a struggle to even find moments of sobriety to speak with them openly and honestly. But the way forward is never impossible. The best Vicodin addiction treatment programs will support both of you every step of the way, from that first phone call to an empowered after-treatment plan.

Signs That Your Partner Is Living with Vicodin Addiction

Like so many prescription opioid pain relievers, Vicodin brings about not just relief—by disrupting the brain’s pain receptors—but also a potent sense of relaxation and euphoria. As a controlled substance, Vicodin is intended to be used for a short amount of time because of the high likelihood of addiction. With time, people develop a tolerance for the medication and need higher doses to achieve that pain relief and relaxation.

When used over a longer term than intended, Vicodin can lead to very serious liver damage in addition to more immediate side effects of the drug. The addiction itself can also result in devastating consequences, especially for relationships; jobs, finances, and other responsibilities; family neglect; uncharacteristic and unpredictable behaviors; and even disconnection with one’s sense of self.

If you notice any of the following signs and symptoms in your partner, it may be time to talk to someone about the possible paths to recovery.

  • They appear high with no other apparent explanation.
  • They demonstrate more than usual anxiety.
  • They become easily confused and have trouble focusing.
  • They appear drowsy and may nod off at odd times.
  • Their appetite lessens.
  • They become irritable, distant, or otherwise moody.
  • They let responsibilities slip, such as finances, work tasks, housework, or personal hygiene and grooming.
  • You notice extra pill bottles or prescriptions from multiple doctors.

It can be tempting to look past the problem, even when these signs are so obvious in front of you. But if the solutions were also laid out in front of you, you’d probably have a hard time ignoring the real path to recovery, the path back to your life.

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Barriers That Keep Your Spouse from Seeking Treatment

If you’re nervous about broaching the subject of your partner’s addiction, you’re not alone. It’s common to feel insecure and afraid, and it’s common to let those feelings deter intervention. As important as it is to take action and address the issues of addiction, it’s also very difficult because you have your personal challenges, and your partner has theirs. People who struggle with prescription opioid use disorder may:

  • Be afraid of their physical pain coming back without the medication or their emotional distress returning.
  • Have a co-occurring disorder and feel the need to self-medicate to manage symptoms.
  • Want to keep experiencing the high.
  • Be afraid of the symptoms of withdrawal should they stop taking the drug.

The very good news is that, while you may feel isolated now, help is not out of reach. And families rediscover their strength and hope every day when treatment offers the right tools to go through detox safely, to manage one’s physical and emotional health proactively, and to develop reliable coping strategies for now and into the future with addiction. Residential treatment professionals understand the scope of confusion and pain that you and your spouse are going through, and they know that offering you the very best, most compassionate support is the best route to successful long-term recovery.

Finding the Best Vicodin Addiction Treatment Option

Though it may feel like it right now, your partner’s addiction is not the measure of your life. Getting involved with a caring treatment program can help bring you both back in touch with everything else that makes your lives unique and vibrant. The truth is that there are powerful tools and support systems for recovery that you may not yet be in touch with, and it’s also true that there are powerful sources of strength within you that just need to be awakened.

Top Vicodin addiction treatment programs offer privacy and comfort to minimize distractions and disruptions and because honoring each person’s dignity is a cornerstone of the healing process. Your spouse will experience a medically supervised detox process to safely stop taking the drug as comfortably as possible. A private detox room offers peace and respite, along with the best medication that a detox specialist identifies, nutritious meals, quality rest, and activity to support the process.

With a 30-day or 90-day residential program, your spouse will be involved in a comprehensive recovery plan with clinical attention, individual therapy, group therapy, classes, spiritual counseling, a family program, holistic services, recreational therapy, and thorough aftercare planning. In these settings, clinicians can effectively treat co-occurring disorders simultaneously to help clients rebuild a personal foundation for a strong and fulfilling life. The best prescription opioid addiction treatment fosters a positive environment so clients can regain their own inner strength and hope for recovery. These treatment centers also prioritize family involvement and offer education and counseling for family members to strengthen that primary support system for the time during and after treatment.

Alta Mira offers comprehensive treatment for people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders and process addictions. Contact us to learn more about our renowned programs and how we can help you or your loved one start the journey toward recovery.