Alta Mira's Transformational Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program

Our Transformational Recovery Program was designed to help you find a long-term resolution and achieve sustainable recovery. This comprehensive and innovative program was developed for clients with complex needs and is particularly helpful in successfully treating significant co-occurring disorders and chronic relapse.

What to Expect When You Stay For Our Complete 90 Day Program

If you want or need truly comprehensive care for complex addiction issues and co-occurring disorders, our program will allow you to focus on the deeper work needed to address your individual issues and best develop your key recovery and relapse prevention skills.

Your treatment starts with our highly advanced medically-supervised detox and evaluations conducted by our medical team. You and your therapist will then engage in comprehensive treatment planning that looks at your goals, motivations, and needs across all areas of life.

As you proceed through treatment, our neuropsychological assessment team engages you in a series of diagnostic testing and assessment sessions tailored to your specific clinical profile. The results of these sessions illuminate diagnostic considerations, identify strengths and resources you possess, and shape continuing care recommendations.

Throughout the duration of treatment, you will participate in our full clinical program, which includes:

  • At least 3 individual sessions per week with a primary therapist
  • Daily group therapy (includes DBT Skills, Process Groups, Principles of Recovery, Somatic Awareness)
  • Neuropsychological and psychological assessments to better inform accurate diagnosis and advise medical recommendations
  • In-depth family engagement and the option for loved ones to attend multiple 3-Day Family Programs
  • Experiential therapy (activities may include equine therapy, ropes courses, psychodrama, hikes, kayaking, ziplining, and excursions focused on recovery principles)
  • Rejuvenating holistic services (massage, yoga, acupuncture)
  • Four 3-day intensive workshops and four advanced 1-day workshops
  • Individual outings with our amazing Experiential Program Manager
  • Peer support groups (12-Step, SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery)
  • Access to local temporary sponsors for support through the early stages of treatment and recovery
  • Incorporation of supplemental evaluations/therapies through external providers as needed (EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, CBT, CBTi, process addictions, nutritional support, couples intensives, spiritual counseling, medical specialists)
  • Individualized relapse prevention and continuing care planning

Intensive Workshops at Alta Mira

Alta Mira’s Transformational Addiction Recovery Program gives you the opportunity to participate in one or more of our extraordinary workshop intensives. Led by renowned experts in their fields, our inspirational workshops last between 1 and 3 days and provide you with the support you need to participate in this life-changing recovery work. Our residents routinely tell us that our workshops mark a turning point in their lives.

We currently offer a number of intensives in core recovery areas for clients:

  • Grief & Loss: Discover resiliency and begin to heal from the trauma of grief and loss
  • Rising Strong™: Learn to reckon with personal difficulties, work through what’s really going on, and dare to move forward again
  • Having the Best Relationships of Your Life: Build healthy relationships with self and others in recovery
  • Trauma: Understand the physical and emotional consequences of exposure to trauma and learn coping skills
  • Thriving in Recovery: Create a vision for your life and begin to integrate recovery into all aspects of your health and wellness.

Our workshops provide a safe place to go deeper on topics important to recovery. Because of the intensive nature of the workshops, they are only available to clients who are in longer-term treatment (more than 30 days) at Alta Mira.

If you would like more information on our intensive workshops, please contact one of our Admissions Specialists.

Why a Longer Stay In Addiction Treatment is Beneficial

Addiction is a disease with physical, psychological, spiritual, and relational components. Just stopping the use of a drug doesn’t teach us anything about how to maintain sobriety. It takes time to learn how to use the skills taught in treatment. Longer-term treatment provides the opportunity to learn and practice these skills.

National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) research supports the idea that increased lengths of stay predict a greater likelihood that a person will stay sober. Other studies have found similar results in improved outcomes based on time in treatment.

  • The appropriate duration for an individual depends on the type and degree of the patient’s problems and needs.
  • Research indicates that most addicted individuals need at least 3 months in treatment to significantly reduce or stop their drug use and that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment.
  • Recovery from drug addiction is a long-term process and frequently requires multiple episodes of treatment. As with other chronic illnesses, relapses to drug abuse can occur and should signal a need for treatment to be reinstated or adjusted.
  • 90 days provides the time to complete even a complex detox and move progressively through structured phases of treatment.
  • At Alta Mira, clients who remain in our program for 90 days are engaged in deeper work on individual issues, key recovery skills, and relapse prevention.

The Benefits of Our Full Program

At Alta Mira, it is our purpose to create positive treatment experiences that lead to lasting recovery. If you’re interested in our transformational recovery program, we will work with you to determine if it’s truly your best option. In general, this program is the right choice if any of the following apply:

  • You’ve struggled with relapse in the past
  • You have had one or more prior residential treatment episodes
  • You have complex detox needs (e.g. opiates, benzos, etc.)
  • You need to address co-occurring behavioral, psychiatric, or medical issues
  • You face legal, relationship, or career consequences due to addiction issues

Alta Mira Veranda

Our compassionate team will keep you as comfortable as possible in our luxurious treatment center overlooking the San Francisco Bay. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you.